Tuesday, March 28, 2017

actually, i'd kind of rather them not have data, as they're not going to do anything positive with it.

let them fire shots in the dark. maybe they'll take a few of their own out.

more broadly speaking, this actually demonstrates how stupid the administration is. it's exactly the kind of thing that people are going to look at in five years and derive a blowback out of. when applied more generally and broadly, it's exactly the attitude that will either take the administration down, or take the country down with it.

as a queer person, my fears of government oppression are in the realm of eugenics. that requires data - big data. and, if the government doesn't have that data, it's going to be limited in what it can do to stomp us out.

again, though: i'm not celebrating this is as moderate. i'm just pointing out that their stupidity is likely to work in our favour and that, at the end of the day, the preferable outcome is for the government and the media to drop the issue altogether and just leave us alone.
