Friday, November 22, 2019

i think the issues regarding one of the three cases are dealt with, at least, for now.

i got the paperwork for the landlord & tenant board case, which has given me a hearing date of feb 5, 2020. given that i will have paid my rent on feb 1st, and he'll still have last month's for march, it is very unlikely that the court would order me to evacuate any time before may 1st. that said, i make no request in my case to end the lease. so, he will need to file for that. if he does, that discussion will no doubt come up, in context. if he doesn't, and the issue stays mostly resolved, then i'll certainly withdraw - but i'll wait a long time before i do.

i have filed a t2 for repairs, and not a t6 for harassment. is the issue fixed? it's not clear. it's better, surely, but i'll need to wait for the weather to warm up to really know. but, we can update the file if he's going to come in here like that.

so, he's going to want to be very careful about doing things like entering the unit illegally. i can't find any evidence of any kind of tampering or anything (yet.), but the reality is that the electrical is enough to suggest that the unit was entered into. and, i will be keeping a closer eye on this - can i find a pattern of electrical spikes when i'm not home?

in fact, i noticed something like this a few months ago, but wasn't as sure. this time, i turned everything off to make a point - that spike must be from an illegal entry. i will be keeping a closer eye on the electrical and will catch further break-ins.

what's he doing in here? i've had some creepy feelings.

but, i'll remind you that i've wondered for a while if the guy is actually a cop. he appears to have no source of income, and yet goes away on expensive trips - with cars and kids, so these aren't my hobo trips across to detroit, he's staying somewhere, and he's feeding multiple mouths. - several times a month. further, there seems to be people up there, even when there's no car in the driveway. and, while i can't prove it, i'm sure that somebody - maybe a specific officer - is smoking up there.

i'll remind you that i filed a judicial review against the oiprd on tuesday afternoon, and had to put the windsor police on the paperwork. did they pay me a visit on tuesday night? is that what happened?

it would be consistent.

and, there is no legal excuse for this, at all. it would simply uphold my claim that i'm being harassed by the cops.

i still don't know if he filed, but, if he didn't, he has until the end of the year to do it. i filed immediately in order to be sure he wouldn't get the hearing first. he has until january 30th to file his own case. it won't be until close to then that i make any attempt to cancel my own...

so, it's not the best idea to confront him immediately about the illegal entry. i'm better off waiting this out, to see if i can build a pattern.

i will still need to call on monday morning, and periodically afterwards, to see if anything's in, yet. but, that's in motion....