Tuesday, August 2, 2016

jessica amber murray
why does he keep appointing conservatives?

the election results were not ambiguous. it's kind of counter to his mandate to keep stacking all these reform bodies with conservatives.

if we wanted conservatives, we would have voted for them. we voted against them. so, why is he doing this?

Lori Cameron
Did you mean, why does he keep appointing those whom he believes are the best qualified for the given positions?

jessica amber murray
i'm not sure how anybody comes to the conclusion that kim campbell is best qualified for anything, besides a lecture on how to preside over the worst electoral defeat in canadian history.

a supreme court advisory is not a meritocratic position, it's a partisan position. i really don't want a conservative body determining the composition of the next supreme court, and it's frankly downright enraging to see a liberal prime minister put such a thing in motion.

ironically, i don't think that this is constitutional.

Tim Saucier
What disqualifies Kim Campbell from the job, aside from being "Conservative"?

jessica amber murray
considering that we elected an overwhelming liberal majority, i think that's enough.
