Friday, October 2, 2020

i'm not sure i'd want to be in a military hospital right now, if i was donald trump. veteran health care isn't exactly first rate. is that the coverage he's stuck with, in that job?

listen - there's no question this could kill this man, easily. and quickly. i said that this morning. and, he clearly wasn't taking this seriously, and clearly ought to have been. i said that, too.

i've been very adamant from the very start for the need to protect the elderly - i have never suggested otherwise. this is not a space that is skeptical about the effects of the virus, or not exactly; what this is is a covid-realism space. i'm trying to cut through the hype and the bullshit and get at what's actually real, what the science actually says.

and, what the science says is that a piece of shit mask will not save you. to me, that means i won't wear one (and i wore a scarf this morning because it was cold, and may wear one again when it's cold - that's normality, not something extraneous).

so, it's actually incredibly insulting to suggest that a man in his risk category merely had to wear a mask to protect himself. no, you fucking idiots - this guy is in the highest risk category there is. a little flimsy, piece of shit mask wasn't going to save him from anything. and, if you think that all your highly vulnerable grandparents or great-grandparents need is a $.30 mask from walmart before you can send your own kids to give them a hug, you need to pull your head out of your ass.

when i say the masks don't work (well, i'm not saying it - it's the science), there's actually two consequences of this, and they do not contradict each other:

1) if you're in a low risk category, there's not a lot of use in wearing one. it's just pointless.
2) if you're in a high risk category, you should not be relying on them to protect you. that's folly - you'll be dead in no time.

so, i don't want to hear another fucking word about how trump wouldn't have contracted this if he'd only worn a mask - that is bullshit, and it's irresponsible to broadcast it. the mask does nothing. given his risk category, he should have been whisked underground into the white house bunker months ago and forced to communicate solely via satellite.