Wednesday, March 8, 2017

this comes up every once in a while here, and is a good example of the kind of demagoguery we routinely receive from the conservative party.

what's happening is that the province is opening new schools and then shutting down old ones that are half empty or falling apart. the conservatives then grasp on to the number of schools that are closing and say "look! they're closing schools!". they make it seem like the students are being trucked off to the gulag, or something, rather than being bussed into newer facilities with broader options.

consider something like a music class. the province can't afford to put a music class in every school, and can't staff it, either. but, if you have less schools then you can focus resources more effectively, allowing for greater access to more specialized topics.

but, that's not even what i wanted to say. what i wanted to say is this: when are we going to talk about abolishing the catholic schools? i'm willing to make today all about that. and tomorrow. and the next day...