Wednesday, March 8, 2017

yeah. i went for a walk today and while i didn't see any smashed cars, i did see a lot of shingles and a lot of branches.

it's weird because there's no rain. at all. it's just the cold wind coming in...

i was considering several shows this month, but none of them are particularly compelling and the turn towards colder weather is probably going to land me inside. i'm getting warm days when the schedule clears, and cold days when i want to do something...

maybe i'll end up buying some wood and building those shelves. or maybe the next few months will be that much more eventful.

my head is basically fixed, and i'm leaning strongly towards the aspirin thinning the blood out. just to follow up on that: i haven't taken any all week, and i'm not feeling any symptoms returning. but, i've passed a substantial amount of dried blood through my nose, which is upholding my narrative about what was happening. this isn't like dry air; it's thick, and clumpy. it's been a few days since that happened, now, even...

i saw the urologist today, and he told me that my request is rational and he'd even like to help me but he'd lose his license if he did it. i'm not convinced that this is true, and think it's just a pc cover, so i'm going to have to follow up on his statements on my own and go from there. i have a checkup in april, and will have to ask for a rec to a different urologist. but, i'm actually considering challenging the college. i should have autonomy here, and the college should be pushing back at him for denying me access, not punishing him for facilitating it. i mean, what's the value in forcing me to keep the testicles if i don't want them? that's irrational...

i should be tired, but i'm not and i feel like i'm up for the night. i had a two hour nap this morning and a two hour nap this afternoon, but am otherwise running on about a 36 hour day with no real end in sight. i have actually been making progress on the concert page, i just keep adding components, and should have an update soon.