Sunday, September 29, 2019

this is delusional.

they're going to go to toronto, montreal and vancouver and drive up the cost of rent - and further contribute to the climate crisis.

you don't grow an economy via immigration, that's supply-side economics, and backwards right-wing style thinking. the reason these areas are economically depressed is because there is no existing economy. if you airlift thousands of people in, they'll just starve. but, they won't starve, they'll leave. you need to create the economic opportunities first, then bring the people in.

if she wants to offer canada as a safe country for climate refugees, she should be more honest about what she intends to do, and what that will look like in the end, and then let people vote for or against it, if they're so inclined. the reality is that such a plan is going to necessitate massive amounts of social spending, and they are at least talking about a gai, however they should be more explicit about the social costs involved in this kind of thing, and the consequences it will have on the existing poor.

but, the idea that you're going to populate the empty areas of this country by settling "climate refugees" in them is moronic and should be treated that way. 

the liberals are supposed to do better than this.