Saturday, May 10, 2014

so, posting here has decreased dramatically. i'm mostly only paying attention to news when i'm eating, which means i'm interacting with youtube more than facebook. i just don't have the interest to sort through rss feeds right now. i've got a large watch later playlist that i'm several weeks behind on. it's also a better way to draw traffic to my music, as the site is wide open.

this is a trend that is likely to continue. i'm not abandoning this page (it's still where i'll rant about articles) but if you're looking to follow my analysis with any real intent you're going to have to follow me on youtube.

you can also subscribe to me on youtube if you'd like, but all you're going to get in the feed is original music uploads. i have no desire or plans to be a video blogger; it's far faster and easier to type than it is to make videos, and it keeps the illiterates out of the audience.

the music is my actual passion. but it's not news analysis.

the way to actually follow the youtube postings is to add me in google+. i don't use google+ as a social network, and don't plan to, but it's a useful way to archive the youtube posts. that is, it's a one-way flow of information. but it's where this page is being slowly moved to.

you'll have to tolerate some music rants...