Wednesday, December 18, 2019

so, something is happening that is going to severely harm the bourgeois left in this country, and i'm torn on what the right reaction is.

if i search for something like "canadian politics" at google news, i realize that the following sites have paywalls:

- the globe and mail
- the toronto star

....whereas the following do not:

- the sun franchises

so, i'm getting right-wing garbage for free, and have to pay for more thoughtful journalism.

"you get what you pay for.", you say.

well, ok. but, there is absolutely no possibility that i'm going to pay for a subscription to the toronto star, which is not that thoughtful. if it's worth something more than the sun, it's not worth a whole lot more than it.

it's maybe consistent with the bourgeois left's full embrace of neo-liberalism - you plebs now have to pay for your own propaganda, and if you won't pay for it then i guess you'll have to escape it. scary threats from the bourgeoisie, folks.

hey, they always said that capitalism would cave in on itself, right?

the liberal party can't have every one of the two or three soft-left papers in this country behind a paywall, that will annihilate them in a matter of months.