Wednesday, December 18, 2019

i am feeling better, absolutely.

rather than constant coughing and raw throats, it's more like periods of hacking. it's still bad, but it's better.

my sense of smell is coming back, and there's an odour, but it's not here yet, and i'm not sure how to describe what i'm smelling. the sewer has mostly cleared out, i think. now, i'm wondering if i'm getting some exhaust from the gas heater, or maybe burning the pipes. it seems to get worst when i run the hot water. i turned the temperature way up to fight the bacteria in the tank and never turned it down....maybe i could give that a try.....but i also kind of like the increased supply of hot water.

what next, then?

i'm going to take a nap. and get to reimaging after 19:00.