Thursday, September 19, 2019

but, do i think he should resign, anyways?

this is where the fact that canada has very different demographics fits in. if a governor in a southern state like georgia or, was it virginia?, did that then he'd be pissing off a substantive minority of the population. it's like 30-40% in some places, right?

downtown detroit is about 80% black. you wouldn't want to do something like that there...

but, canada, overall is less than 5% black - i often say 2%, but i think that's an old number. nowadays, it's more like 3-4%. there are some areas, like toronto and montreal, where the numbers are bigger, and something like this may be a bigger issue. but, the actual reality is that there just aren't enough black people in canada for it to really matter.

what about white voters? there may be a general dislike of it in certain circles, but i expect the general reaction to be a shrug.

the usual suspects on twitter, etc will no doubt be in fits, but if this moves the election, you should only expect it to be in the margins, and it might just end up splitting the vote in a handful of key ridings in the 416.

if one of the parties can really take control of the issue, that might change. but, i wouldn't expect this to be the kind of issue in canada that it would be in the united states, because the demographics to make it one just don't exist.