Thursday, September 19, 2019

listen, i supported kathleen wynne in ontario (for a while), and i might support elizabeth may federally, this time around. i've voted for female mps when they're aligned with the parties in front of me, which hasn't always been the case. that's what i've had in front of me.

i supported hillary clinton over barack obama, but pulled support largely after i saw what she did as secretary of state, which was horrific.

and, i'll remind you that i identify as female.

but, warren is a bad candidate, if you're an ideological leftist.

i actually think i've kept my criticisms pretty grounded and policy oriented, i certainly haven't called anybody any names besides maybe 'neo-liberal', and if anybody's being emotional and absurd, it's you, not me.

but, i ultimately don't care what you think. and, i will continue to rip apart her policies as i come across them, as i feel is reasonable, so long as i don't get bored and tune out.