Thursday, September 19, 2019

listen - i certainly don't remember donning black makeup as a joke, but it's because it's something i wouldn't do. and, if i did do it, i would probably defend it as harmless - and tell anybody offended by it to fuck off.

i have been accused of wearing cover-up that was slightly darker than my skin colour, but i'm not going to apologize for not bringing my make-up artist to the drug store. to the extent that there may have been a point, it had to do with it being may rather than august, and not having the money to buy different coloured foundation depending on the exact amount of tanning i'm experiencing.

the reality is that i have a lot of brown-skinned ancestors and i get pretty dark-skinned in the summer. if i used pasty white make-up, it would look pretty awful.

if you want to accuse me of anything in the media you see of me, it should be of lightening my skin by using bright lights, but it's never been intentional when it's happened.

but, the reality is that i think this whole thing is stupid, and i'm not likely to take you very seriously, anyways.