Thursday, September 19, 2019

this is such a complicated mess, and it's particularly weird due to the fact that the greens apparently rejected them.

the reality is that she was an awful ag, and there's not one but several of her laws that are in the process of being struck down, right now. it was these two clowns that were primarily responsible for writing the botched assisted suicide legislation that got struck down last week, for example.

what is elizabeth may's position on assisted suicide? a strange one for an ordained minister, actually:

that is the correct position, fwiw. i don't think that either of the independent members truly agree, though.

so, if this endorsement isn't about the quality of her legislation, what's it about?

rightly or wrongly, and i would say wrongly, she's seen as a leader in the indigenous community. and, this outreach is crucial to the future of environmental politics in this country.

let's just hope that the greens can co-opt jwr before jwr co-opts them.