Monday, February 24, 2020

i know it seems like 96% in nevada should be enough to post a summary, but the results are actually coming out more or less like i said they would, relative to a reasonable margin.

biden's one big county is at 98%. all of the remaining results are in areas where he did poorly.

so, are there enough ccds left to pull biden down under 20 and buttigieg up over 15? i want to wait to see.

it does, however, seem clear enough that buttigieg will miss viability in clark county, and that is a blow to his campaign. you wonder, though. as mentioned, you expect a little cheating in clark county. if buttigieg ends up missing viability by 2-3 points, and biden's numbers seem inflated by that much....

what the experts will tell you is that nobody really focuses too much on these things because they don't actually really matter, it's almost more of a psychological thing to rile up your opponent. but, there are some elections that have been stolen - like jfk's theft of chicago, or bush' theft of miami. clark county is one of those counties.

let's not forget that the actual winner of the county is sanders, by a good margin.

so, i can bring in these issues to try and salvage my mathematical analyses, and it might be good enough for that reason. but, it doesn't change the outcome.

i don't think that biden should be particularly impressed by coming in a distant second in one county. biden lost every single county in nevada, guys. he was only even viable in 2 of 17. that's pretty awful, actually.

but, buttigieg should be particularly concerned, because how different is las vegas to san diego or el paso?

and, sanders should avoid popping any corks until he can break 40% somewhere. he's not winning nevada in the general with 35%.