Monday, October 26, 2020

so, the oral thrush seems to have gone away so quickly that i'm wondering if it wasn't dried toothpaste.

my tonsils, on the other hand, remain quite enlarged, and i'm continuing to easily dehydrate - water just produced a diuretic reaction.

you have to remember that i live a block from the ambassador bridge, and the air quality here is never very good...

still, i wonder - does tonsil function really decrease as we age, or do we just not really need them anymore, because we've already seen everything? that is, do they become inactive rather than put into disuse? if so, might people with tonsils retain a line of defense against something novel like covid?

i need to reiterate that these symptoms - sneezing, stuffy nose - are not symptoms of covid-19. i can smell. i don't think have a fever. 

but, i still wonder about the tonsils; adults don't run into novel pathogens like this that often, and isn't that what they're really for?