Wednesday, December 9, 2020

my chromebook is trying to get me to restart to "install flash".

in 2020.

that doesn't even make any sense - i'm in guest mode. i can't install extensions.

listen, pigs. i'm in guest mode. that means i can't even access the kernel. i'm in the most restricted mode possible, and i have to be, because it's the only way you'll let me do anything. 

you can't install anything on this machine. i can't, either.

i am going to mail my foia request tomorrow. i didn't realize the counter was closed; i was waiting for my gst check to clear. i should have done it last week. whatever. 

when it gets here, i will take the documents to the justice and attempt to have this woman charged and arrested - as she should be. she's a liar and a crook. it's no doubt long overdue.

and, you can spy on me all you want, in the mean time. i don't know what you're looking for, but i'm really as boring as i look - there's nothing to find.