Wednesday, October 23, 2019

yeah, that was the longest sober sleep in months. what did i smell yesterday afternoon? it smelled mildly like pot, but i didn't state it as such because if it was then it wasn't a strain i know. it smelled more chemically. and, it just knocked me out for twelve hours.

i prefer to buy high potency, but i then take it in very small doses. i can get 6-8 rolls out of a joint, and those little pinners will do me for like six hours at a time. that was when i bought twice a year at most - something i haven't done since christmas, 2017. there was no headcave in july, 2018 and no headcave in christmas, 2018 and no headcave in july, 2019, either. it didn't even cross my mind this summer.

we'll see how i feel at christmas, but i'm not planning on it. more likely is a pre-roll near the solstice, if the store is still open.

i'm still groggy, but let's hope i'm awake.