Wednesday, October 23, 2019

no, actually, i'm going to double down on the point: there is no green solution to air travel. nothing has been "debunked". most of us will simply need to stop doing it.

the "solutions" being floated around amount to glorified helicopters, that you could use as short-term air shuttles rather than as passenger jets. ok. the problem that can't be solved is the amount of energy required for lift; if you want to solve that by creating thousands of lightweight two-seater aircrafts (which can't even take basic luggage), which would require thousands of pilots, and thousands of tonnes of plastic, i might have to concede on the engineering as a triviality, but i'll tell you you're delusional in practice. that's not debunking anything, it's just demonstrating the point - if that's the best you can do, there's no future in it.

so, if you want to put this in the list of things that you think technology will solve, that's fine, but you need to line-up with the carbon capture people and the "markets will save us" fundamentalists. but, this is worse than that - because it's actually putting faith in technology and markets to solve something that science is pretty clear can't be solved. the faith-in-technology optimists are telling us the battery technology might be here by 2050. i mean, c'mon.

frankly, i don't exactly know what the pushback even is. wouldn't you rather stay on the ground and take a train, anyways?