Tuesday, November 17, 2020

actually, there's enough dha in eggs by their lonesome to not worry much about pig brains, after all.

so, it looks like i have the following:

1) fruit bowl:
dha + epa - algae oil
epa - laver seaweed (also good for b5, e, c, b7 but only if a lot - check availability and price as a potential avocado sub)
epa - wakame seaweed (potentially good as a simple addition)
ala - flax seed, soy milk

2) pasta bowl:
dha + epa: anchovy paste (or fillets? or sardines, even? farmed salmon? not tuna. check cost, etc.) & 
epa - laver, maybe. wakame, maybe. check cost & availability.
ala - hemp seed, soy milk

3) eggs:
dha: eggs themselves (90 mg in two extra large normal eggs is more than 30% of 250 mg) are fine, in the broader scope.
epa:  dark chicken...?
ala - canola margarine + flax bread

i need to work out the details, tonight.

no response from the karen or her lawyer. i'll need to call in the morning.