Tuesday, March 5, 2019

canada did recently alter it's involvement in iraq, but the younger trudeau has not put up the kind of resistance that his father did, or chretien did. if there's something to the observation, it could explain canada's insistence on supporting the american line in venezuela....and potentially in cuba. this otherwise seems to not be in our interest.

but, i might argue the opposite point: that if trudeau is being removed, it's a part of the same policy that is trying to remove maduro.

and, as canadians, we might have to get used to losing what was at one time a privileged status in the hemisphere.

there's been big demographic shifts on both sides of the border; this history of being sibling successors of the british empire is increasingly no longer true for either one of us. as the united states becomes more hispanic, and canada becomes more asian, we're going to end up as the third wheel, as we just did in the nafta talks.

i have no evidence, or anything. just thinking out loud.

but, the ambassador seems a little out of place at the table.