Thursday, November 12, 2020

yeah, so whatever is going on with the youtube account seems to be connected to some kind of military and/or secret service response - they seem to be trying to force me into a proxy relationship with something downstream, and it's having severe performance consequences.

i'm left to conclude that the complete fucking dipshits really, honestly, seriously think i'm a russian spy. it's baffling, but they won't relent.

so, you read these greenwald articles and whatnot and they have this kind of assumption underlying them that we're all being lied to, that the deep state has gone haywire - they can't really believe this stuff, right?

well, why have i been under cyberattack for years now, then?

some component of these people seems to actually believe this stuff, which introduces a layer that i don't think anybody's even really contemplated. it's one thing for an intelligence apparatus to start breaking laws in a purposeful attempt to spy on it's own people - that is wrong and must be stopped, but it's at least easy to understand. it's another thing altogether when that security apparatus starts attacking civilians, and is unable to determine whether they're a threat or not.

i'm a disabled transgendered person in canada that is currently working on a nutritional flow chart that i'm uploading to my blog. that hardly justifies military attention.

and, yet..