Saturday, August 22, 2015

the cape to cairo railroad? geez. that's nineteenth century british imperialist policy, pushed mostly by cecil rhodes, iirc. that old society. can't get rid of these guys, huh? you'd think they'd maybe update it a bit, though.

forget about highways. let's move forwards. how about a high speed electric rail system?

"we want african countries to compete with each other"

africa needs to avoid falling into this trap. for, it is true - if the country next door offers even lower wages and even lower standards, then the company will get up and move. the more that african countries compete with each other, the worse off they all are - as a whole.

rather, the african solution needs to be to form trade blocs that align common standards to prevent that kind of race to the bottom. i hope that african leaders see that, but the corruption on the continent is discouraging. and, there are those pesky trade agreements...