Tuesday, January 26, 2016

you know what's going to happen by the time this is done, right - some time in between smile more industries buying the rights to bono and kane shocking the world with his first dick pic internet spread - is that britney will join the cast of desperate housewives.

wait for it.

but, seriously: i'm only getting less than an hour a day, and i only watch it a few times a week, and i can clearly see she's already planning "life after roman". all the comments are pushing for marriage. but, it's clear as day that this relationship is already over. britney just won't walk out due to a fear of being single.

instead, she's blatantly waiting for somebody to take her away. and the fantasy is something out of a harlequin romance novel, basically.

so, roman. listen. you want to prank this girl, hard? then make her think she's getting laid by a sexy pirate, and watch her walk right into it.

she's leaving you, anyways. might as well capitalize on it.