Thursday, March 3, 2016

actually, i want to second this. we're being set up with a shitty deal. the media is trying to pressure us into voting for clinton by implying that we must be white trash racist scum if we're not. never explicitly. but between the lines, always. and, it's backfiring. instead, we're walking into a reality where the media is leading us down the path to this end point where hillary clinton is the nominee and it's black people's fault.

but, actually, it really isn't. look at the numbers more closely. there's a bit of rambling on this topic on my page if you care to look. but, she's carrying these states with big white victories as well.

she's winning in the south because southern democrats are conservative christians and they don't like the liberal jew. it's across racial lines. he does better with younger voters that identify as liberals, regardless of any other category. it's actually the easiest narrative you could build. but, the media is trying to obfuscate it and split us along racial lines instead.

cenk needs to be a bit more careful on this.