Thursday, April 27, 2017

i've been over this a few times previously, but i'll say it again: it's not that i arbitrarily think i'm more intelligent than you because i'm good at swiping picnic baskets or something.

the reality is that i consistently do absurdly well on intelligence tests. like, they had to tell me i was smart. it's not something i figured out through observation - it was tested, and the results were repeatedly demonstrable.

and, in fact, it's a curse. you don't get places in life by constantly existing on the outside, looking in. worse, you have difficulty understanding people.

consider my last government job process- and this was the last one i did, before i gave up on it. they had me write the gct2 and i end up in at least the 95th percentile on it - i say that because it's the best data i could find, but i did way, way better than the 95th percentile. it was probably more like 99th, but i can't show that. the gct2 is a basic iq test.

but, i walked into the interview, and two things happened. the first is that i scared them, because they'd never seen a score like that. one of the interviewers was convinced it was a typo - to the point where he didn't even take me seriously. how does a person respond to a situation where their interviewer thinks their iq scores are so high that they must be a typo, and then refuses to take them seriously? the second thing that happened is that i generated a sense of skepticism: "i don't think she's that smart".

well, i'm not convinced i'm that smart, either. but those fucking test scores seem to suggest i actually am. sorry.

they had me write a "situational awareness test" - and i failed it. this is workplace behaviour. i've failed it repeatedly. and, i'm fully convinced that there is a very strong connection between the fact that i get mensa-level iq test scores and can't pass a behavioural test. these are the same phenomena!

i'm actually pretty humble about it. you don't see me waving this around at people. i want to talk about issues as they are, not wave my iq scores in your face and demand you listen to me.

but, the reality is what it is. and, trust me: i have a higher iq than you do.