Tuesday, September 5, 2017

again: cancelling deferred action does not make sense to american capital, which relies on the labour, and will prove deeply unpopular in the long run - which is what trump actually cares about.

trump's rhetoric was never anything more than a way to get the vote out in his base. he was never going to actually do anything like this - it would both be against his own class interests and against his own political interests.

what they're doing is sending it to congress, not abolishing it. that's what obama wasn't able to do, because the republican party had congress locked in a purely obstructionist tactic. now that the republicans have control of the white house, they're going to pass the bills obama wanted to pass in the first place. and, you might see a pattern develop out of this.

obama was always the status quo, corporatist, establishment candidate. the reason he pushed this through in the first place is that it's what the big money interests wanted. trump is not going to turn on those interests, as they are what put him in power and what he represents.
