Wednesday, September 27, 2017

so, we talked about music last early on monday morning. i made some progress, but the heat was a bit of a problem due to the a/c upstairs (as mentioned, i'm waiting this guy out) and i ultimately had to stop due to interference. the same thing happened yesterday morning, but i think i was able to finish a proper mix this morning.

we're highly tentative around this. i'm going to need to spend the next 24+ hours verifying it.

but, the heat has also lifted, which means i'm pivoting to airing the apartment out and even plan to take a shower in the next 24 hours. i love the heat, but i can't overstate how much of a problem the a/c is. getting the a/c off should get me a bit more productive.

as i was waiting out the interference, i finished a lot of filing and typing, so there should be a quick procession through the end of 1999, as soon as i close inri031.

for now, i need to listen.