Thursday, May 17, 2018

well, i didn't get any work done, but i got a handle on what's going on this weekend...

all the after hours spots seem to have stopped updating around november. i don't know if the weather hit them or what, but i'm kind of blinded. how many are just quiet, and how many are defunct? there's a few that i'm pretty sure are still running, but none seem to be running this weekend...


- i don't remember the last time i went out, which was a saturday. so, i don't know if my goto spot was still there or not. i think they're only there on saturdays.
 - i remember the friday previous, was weird. i'm outside a bar with a 4:00 am license a little after 3:00 or so. it was late, legit. i asked somebody if they're done, and he said he was, but, in hindsight, i think it was the sound guy - i actually think i've talked to this guy a bunch of times because he's the sound guy. brain freeze. then, i sat around and hung out with people waiting for cabs ("ubers") for like an hour. but, it seemed like the place was still open. i'm too shy in these situations - i should have asked point blank. it was just weird. i thought i was told no, and didn't want to be pushy, but i'm not sure that this was true. you have to understand that i'm really neurotic about not appearing aggressive when i'm drinking. i'm the most passive drunk in the world, and i exaggerate it because i hate violence - i'm paranoid i'm going to get into a fight. the flip side is that they can't charge me cover at 3:30, right. so, i dunno. the intent was to hang out there until around 4:30. and i was in fact there until a little after 4:00, it's just that i was just hanging around outside....and i would have probably been out on the patio had i gone in. but, either way that's not the late night i was looking for, and i knew it wasn't going to be. but i'm going to blame myself for being too shy, rather than give up on the path. i might do this again some other friday night....

- i actually made it home on the night of the screaming females concert. i'd had plenty to drink. that was the right choice. but, like... i made it. i knew it was time to go home.

- the sunsquabi show was also a friday, and i can confirm that my goto spot was closed. friday. but also april.

so, i dunno. i guess i might have to ask around a bit more. on a friday, finding somewhere open until 4:30 is largely good enough, as the bus comes at 6:00. but, on a saturday, the bus doesn't come until 8:30. i need to find the spots open until 7:00...