Thursday, July 26, 2018

when i came down to windsor initially, i made it abundantly clear that i was looking for my own space to live.

i came down with two unemployed people: one on short term ei and the other with no discernible income at all. the reason these people were unable to find accommodations is that they were unable to provide a reliable income source.

i was on full time disability, which is a small but reliable source.

i made it clear that i was not particularly interested in signing a lease with these people, as they seemed shifty and untrustworthy. i made it clear that i had expensive gear that i needed to keep in a locked space, and flatly didn't trust leaving them alone with. further, as i was the only one of us with an actual income source, i would have been the primary lessor - and taken on liability for two unemployed people. i could not reasonably do that, and nobody would have reasonably allowed me to do that, either.

i became aware some time later that these people badly misinterpreted the scenario. these are the kinds of people that interpret the world through the lens of hierarchy and dominance, so they found it unacceptable that a loser such as myself could find an apartment, while their superior innate coolness couldn't. but, i had an income source and they didn't. it was really that simple.

again: my intent was to find a one bedroom apartment, because i needed a safe space to store my gear. i was willing to entertain other suggestions, but i did not at any point take them very seriously. i did not and still do not want to live in a house with other tenants.

and, suggestions otherwise are a combination of malice and poorly placed jealousy.