Thursday, August 30, 2018

islam is not a culture, it's an ideology - and one of the ways that ideologies enforce their control is through the abolition and subjugation of all culture. this was as true under stalin as it was under saladin.

there is no self-expression in islam. no individuality. no questioning of revealed wisdom. no revolution. no democracy. no deviation from the norm. it's just violently enforced conformity. and, nothing we can meaningfully refer to as a culture can exist under these kinds of oppressive circumstances.

if this place goes full muslim - and if this mess around nafta gets bad, it very well might - they're going to convert the nightclubs into madrassas - or, perhaps, harems. any venue that promotes free thinking will be dismantled.

and, you can't fight against a majority.

i have a few more weeks to figure this out. but, if the end result is that a starving artist can't find a place to live here, then the proper conclusion is that it is not a good cultural fit for a starving artist to live, is it?