Thursday, November 15, 2018

it's no surprise - any halfways intelligent person could have predicted that a ford government would run an absurd deficit, as it hands out goodies to it's cronies.

try to get somebody to walk you through the argument that removing rent control will incentivize building low income units. i'm not sure i could even deconstruct that, because i'm not sure i could understand the logical errors built into coming to such a ridiculous conclusion in the first place. obviously, the exact opposite is true, and it's just a policy that awards developers for their generous campaign donations.

now, that said, i actually think that $30,000 is too low of a cut-off for taxation - that number should be something closer to $50,000. but, it should be offset by steep tax increases on the higher income levels. and, they're actually cutting taxes for high income earners...

is this a disaster? sure. but, you could only be surprised if you haven't seen this film before, and i've seen it more than once, already.