Friday, June 21, 2019

when we talk about "regulated capitalism", we often neglect to ask the question: who is doing the regulating? and, this is exceedingly important to stop and ponder, because in a system where property rights are enshrined as quasi-religious dictates, there is no possible answer to that question besides industry.

so, these "progressives" produce this false dichotomy, where they pit free markets and self-regulation against government regulation, as though the government isn't completely bought and paid for by industry - and has no choice but to be for capitalism to function.

"regulated capitalism" is consequently a contradiction in terms; the only possible regulators are the people that you're trying to regulate.

and, to a large extent, understanding this specific point is what socialism is really all about: we have to take control ourselves.

it really is socialism or barbarism. there is no third way.