Saturday, July 6, 2019

it's looking like the rain's not moving out of here until after 20:00, and i'm going to end up missing the early show.

that means i'm looking at catching the 21:00 or 21:30 bus over, and getting to ferndale for the last band. i might catch the one before it.  and, then i'll need to bike back, and potentially in the rain....

this is a local act; in fact, i missed them at pj's last week, too. this night isn't making sense for me, at this point. i guess i'll have to hope i catch them again soon....

i was initially considering a show at villain's in windsor, but on closer perusal, it's not that interesting.

tomorrow's flat out dead.

so, we're writing off this weekend, and i actually saw that coming. it's a shame, because i like the humidity, but i don't like the rain; i feel like i'm wasting the weather, after such an awful winter. and, while next weekend may also be a little slow, the week after looks solid. let's hope it stays nice and hot while the show schedule catches up.