Monday, July 8, 2019

so, what do i want to hear from socialists - not ancaps and not "progressives" - regarding the issue of prostitution?

- decriminalization, but not legalization. don't send people to jail for this, whether it's consensual or not, but try and keep it underground, to keep the economic power in the hand of the sellers. this would functionally legalize independent sellers, while maintaining a strong and vigorously enforced prohibition on things like brothels, escort agencies and other corporate-driven prostitution models. that is, keep the means of production in the hands of the workers, themselves.
- this is important enough to state again: any attempt to corporatize prostitution should be aggressively opposed by anybody calling themselves a socialist.
- more funding for women in at-risk populations. this would include things like increasing access to healthcare, increasing access to education, increasing access to addictions services, more community housing and also increases in social assistance, like welfare.
- more of a focus on teaching men to treat women like people rather than products, and not to see sex as a meaningless high to buy on a market.
- i would also support aggressive action against sex trafficking, which includes aggressive action against pimps, escort agencies and other services that reduce prostitutes to salaried employees. if you're asking me if there's a difference between sex work and sex trafficking, i'd clearly state that the lines are pretty blurry.

once all of this is in place, if women still want to sell, that's up to them.