Thursday, January 9, 2020

i want to be clear.

i think that - as per usual - trump made the wrong choice in standing down in iran. this is a tremendous loss of american prestige. it is the wrong choice, historically. it is the wrong choice, logically. it is the wrong choice, morally. it is the wrong choice all around.

but, what's new?

there is absolutely no previous historical precedent for a country to be able to bomb american forces with impunity. they've launched major wars over far less, and that's part of what makes america america, and what makes america feared across the world.

the zero tolerance dominance that has been in place since the spanish-american war is no longer in place.

the world can have it's way with america.

that is not wise. that is not tolerant. and, that is not smart. it will have longterm consequences that will accelerate the dismantling of american empire, and the onset of american decline.

my analysis was historical; trump has broken with history, and he's done so in a way that puts the country on a path towards collapse.