Saturday, April 11, 2020

so, i've built my concert list for april - a little late, but so be it. i'm going to need to sort through that this evening, hopefully enough to mostly catch up.

i've logged into my beyond-repair install one more time, to take a note of installed software and put aside any other user configuration files, as i'm going to be formatting and reinstalling to the laptop's drive, which i'm going to boot into from the pc. so, that's how we'll finish this up.

i need to recalibrate where i am in the vlogging, which could take a night or two.

and, i need to make some calls on monday and get my head around what's actually happening with these court cases.

i'm going to have to then stop for a few days to build a new windows 7 image, which i may also use as the base image for my new computer, which i'm finally nearing a build on. i've had these parts sitting for months...

hopefully, easy access to a fresh image will help in the struggle against whatever force is messing with me.

but, i'm also going to actually physically clean in here. it seems like the effects of the sewer gas have finally mostly faded away, so i'm ready to clean up each of the rooms in here one by one, starting with the room i sleep and type in.

so, there's a list of things to do. step one is sorting through the list of concerts that were cancelled in april, while reimaging my windows 7 laptop, via my now aging 32-bit pc.