Monday, April 13, 2020

so, where'd the day go?

i finished up the last bit of that quarter this morning, and have been sort of vegging ever since - eating a few times, and kind of nodding off beside the laptop, as it's streaming cbc newsworld.

i was also waiting for my batteries to charge before i did a vlog catch-up.

the sleepiness-at-the-end-of-the-quarter is a known phenomenon; it takes a day or two to snap out of it, but the end result is actually an experience of clarity, as you kind of clear the clutter out and start over again. mushrooms are better at this, but i call the biyearly quarter a headcave for a reason; it's a blitz that you wake up from feeling refreshed by. eventually....

i made some coffee around 21:00 and might be able to get through the vlogging catch-up by the morning, when i need to make a lot of calls.

i'm also overdue on a long shower.

so, it might be quiet here for a while longer still, but i'm starting to wake up.

i mentioned a few weeks ago that i intended to go through the lockdown straight-edge, and i do think that that is a reasonable expectation for the rest of this. there were a few things that came together and had me make an unplanned decision for an unplanned headcave. i'm on the other side of it now, hope it helps and want to move on. soon...

right now, i want to stare at the ceiling for a while longer.