Sunday, April 5, 2020


this is a feisty little piece of rna, alright. wow.

that's four species jumps, we think - from the bat to the civet cat to the human to the tiger.

they may not have measured it repeatedly yet, but this thing is reactive enough that i'd be concerned about your pets, if they're mammals. your iguana is probably fine, although wouldn't it be remarkable if it did hit a reptile? it's reactive! so, i wouldn't want to get nonchalant with mammalian livestock, either - i'd be taking some precautions around that. we have no evidence for birds, but's reactive.

this thing is evolving rapidly; waiting for it to strike before you react is foolhardy. they should be assuming it's potentially transmissible to really any mammal at all, at this point, and maybe even to birds, too.