Friday, September 11, 2020

ok, i found a detailed walkthrough of flavonoid metabolism that is not the answer i want but is a big step towards finding it.

i had to log in through facebook to download it so i can't send you the link. you can search this:


Flavonoid interactions during digestion, absorption, distribution and
metabolism: a sequential structure–activity/property relationship-based
approach in the study of bioavailability and bioactivity

Gerard Bryan Gonzales, Guy Smagghe, Charlotte Grootaert, Moises Zotti, Katleen Raes, and John Van Camp

i expect that this will only help me understand why i can't absorb them when they're attached to a sugar, rather than help me get around the issue.

but, it may give me some clues.

i'm making an omelette, first, and i'll get back to it when i'm done.