Sunday, December 20, 2020

so, aoc lost her treasured committee seat - which is important to her. and, it's silly to pretend it wouldn't be important to you, too. bernie loves his committee seats, too, because it gives him an opportunity to at least present an agenda, and that's better than not having anything at all. i mean, it's committee seats or filibusters, right? this idea that these seats are meaningless is pretty ignorant...

but, she lost her seat.

and, there'll be talk of the fact that this right-wing faction played hardball and got what it wanted, and it's easy enough to walk down that path, which has been laid out for us.

but, that's not the real reason they removed her. the real reason they removed her is that they sensed weakness and disarray - they saw an opportunity to pounce, and they took it. they only gave her the seat in the first place because they interpreted her as strong enough to make demands; now that the movement behind her is fracturing, she's no longer a threat to anybody. so, out she goes.

jimmy was right to present the tactic, but he's a doofus, and it's mostly his fault that she got turfed because he created all this division around her and made her look weak in the process of doing it.

so, now what?

go primary the bitch that got the seat, instead.

and, try to be a little less vicious when you disagree - because the fuckers take advantage of shit like this.