Thursday, December 24, 2020

so, i'm officially giving up on three meals and seeking to recombine the vegetables with the eggs

- i can't eat this much
- the pasta just takes too long to eat
- it costs too much
- i'm spending too much time making food and eating
- it's actually the only way i'm going to fill the nutrient requirements, anyways.

i gave it months and...

see, when i first switched over, i was actually doing it, but i guess it's because i had quite a few meals to catch up on. you might think it would work the other way - that you'd get used to eating three times a day, and maybe even gain some weight. but, i kind of predicted it, if you go back. it's been weeks and weeks now and i'm just struggling to keep up, and constantly falling behind on it.

in fact, i'm struggling to eat twice a day, let alone once.

it'll likely be quite a while before i switch over fully and, when i do, what i'll do is build up over the eggs. entire food items will be removed altogether as no longer necessary.

so, the pasta is likely out. it was for b vitamins, and yeast is more efficient. limes are out, and i may not need a replacement. i may want to swap the beets with some kind of grain. etc. the peppers are in for c. i may no longer need the soy dressing, or the extra yogurt. etc.

it also means that i'll need to a run through the breakfast to make a few switches regarding vitamin content; i need 50%, now, where i previously needed 30%. and, total values can come down.....

i thought i'd try being normal for a bit, and i just can't handle it, and i'm no longer pretending i can.

so, we're back to twice a day - the difference being that this is now a big fruit bowl and a serious egg dish, rather than the haphazard thing i was doing, previously.

it should speed me up a tad, as well.