Tuesday, December 1, 2020

this is a better idea, and it doesn't strike me as that hard.

1. generate ameloblasts from stem cells in a lab.
2. crispr them to not die so fucking fast.
3. transplant them into diseased teeth.

you should then be able to generate enamel, like any other cell.

what's the hold up?

do i have to do it fucking for you? or what?

Four weeks after transplantation of EOE cells combined with dental pulp cells in scaffolds, several phenomena related to amelogenesis were distinguished in the implants [2]. In the most mature structures, enamel was readily found in the implants. Furthermore, amelogenin immunoreactivity was detected in tall columnar epithelial cells on the surface of the dentin or enamel, indicating that the tissue-engineered enamel contains well-developed ameloblasts. Together, these results indicate that the subcultured EOE cells have the potential to generate enamel.