Wednesday, January 20, 2021

so, the executive order on keystone was not at all what i expected, but i missed this last summer:

that makes it an easy political win - construction was halted, anyways. that is, the executive order didn't actually do anything that wasn't already being done. 

am i being overly cynical? should i give them some credit? well, they haven't earned it - all they've earned is cynicism. 

so, what i'll say is this - let's see what happens when that case works it's way through court. if the court squashes it, i guess that's the end of it. but, if the court gives it the green light (and there's a republican supermajority now, remember - that's different than in july), that'll bring the issue back up again.

for now, it's sort of a toothless, meaningless order - meaning that, while i missed this injunction, and i was expecting something different, the totality of what happened is about what i suggested.