Monday, November 20, 2023

i apologize to sarah, but i have to post this. some kind of psychotic people of apparent arab descent and muslim faith seem to think they've purchased me in order to convert me to their depraved religion and enslave me, and while i'm vaguely piecing together what is happening, they seem to have been stalking me online for quite a while in order to build up a perception of me that is flawed, at best. i think they've consistently misinterpreted which person in various pictures is me.

i had this picture up at my facebook page years ago; it's been taken down for a long time, but it was there many years ago:

which person in that picture is me?

i suspect that these people think i'm the girl on the right with the dreads because there seems to be an expectation that i should have dreadlocks. in fact, i'm not. that is a picture of me and my friend sarah, who i went to bc with; the girl with the dreads is sarah, not me. i'm the visibly more drunk one in the black shirt. that's at a bar in ottawa somewhere in early 2003; i don't remember where.

i have never had dreadlocks and actually think dreadlocks are absolutely fucking disgusting. sarah got the dreads put in because we were leaving for bc and she didn't want to get lice; that's the pragmatic, functional reality. i didn't get dreads put in and didn't get lice. i was not a fan of the dreads and not a fan of the shaved head that followed, but, hey, it's not my body, so it's not my choice.

i would never put dreads or braids in my hair. yuck. gross.

likewise, i suspect people looked at the following picture and got confused:

am i in the lennon tshirt or the flannel shirt?

if you don't know me well, and you look at my recent pictures or vlogs online, you might decide i must be in the flannel, because i'm blonde. in fact, i'm not blonde at all, i have auburn hair, naturally. i dye it blonde, red and black, but i've been avoiding the black in recent years and probably won't do it again. i am actually the one in the lennon shirt; the blond in the flannel shirt is the singer from rabit is wolf, whose name is sean. sean is not transgendered, he's a pretty macho straight guy, and he wouldn't parade himself around like a poof in the way that i do, but he is a natural blond, which i am not.

i'm beyond frustrated by what's happening and want to find some way to get these assholes thrown in jail, but i'm currently focused primarily on dealing with facts and trying to chase losers and idiots off. i actually think they thought they were buying me as though i was a company and were expecting to profit from me by selling me in some way. it's a disturbing, fucked up scenario that i do not understand well.