Sunday, November 1, 2015

again: this is another thing the liberals have been veering towards for a while, and is both already written and has already been tested. it's just a question of formalizing it. and, if you think they won't do it, take a look at their past senate appointments - as well as their past supreme court appointments. the truth is that these have not been partisan patronage appointments from the liberals in quite some time.

i doubt that harper would have sent in hugh segal, for example. nor was that a decision that came out of nowhere. it was made on recommendation of an advisory committee.

i do, however, think that he's going to have to move quickly to fill those vacancies, just out of simple pragmatism. he can appoint them as independents if he'd like, but they're not going to get any bills passed unless they make this a priority.

and, given that this is a pragmatic necessity, i think it's a great opportunity to reach out to the chretien supporters that were pushed out in the "martin purge". john manley. sheila copps. brian tobin. allan rock. martin cauchon. it's a new majority, let's all move forwards...