Sunday, November 1, 2015

it's always an interesting question when it's time to pivot, call it quits, part or whatever is the relevant idea. if you end it too soon, people will always wonder what was next - what never happened. if you keep going, people inevitably begin to whisper about relevance.

frankly? bluntly? i think this is actually pretty good timing.

i've never been explicitly interested in hip-hop; i've always been more of a punk, although that's repeatedly brought me to the fringes of hip-hop primarily through the medium of industrial music and "intelligent techno". but, i've been pushed repeatedly to make hip-hop (instrumental or with them) by friends who can hear the potential, and i've always had to sort of agree: the potential is there. it's just not at all where i'd direct myself, it would have to be collaborative. so, it's always been a j away from happening, but never has.

i'm in detroit - i'm a long ways away. but if you think you can use me for something, let me know.