Friday, February 16, 2018

this gets to the heart of the point of why i don't want an elected senate: it's just going to create gridlock, and slow things down.

until trudeau ruined the senate, in an apparent attempt to americanize the way our system operates, which has never been functionally bicameral,  we had a massive advantage in the way our government worked: because we only had one house to pass legislation in, we are able to avoid all of the petty nonsense that comes in sending legislation back and forth between houses, as well as all of the superfluous study.

the reality is that the senate is not going to do anything the house hasn't already done. doing the same thing twice is wasteful and inefficient. if we were going to reform this, it should have been to make the process faster and cheaper, not slower and more expensive.

again: these changes are not enshrined in any law. these are just procedural changes. and, they will not survive justin trudeau's mandate.

in the mean time, we're just going to have to be patient, until we can undo it.

jagmeet singh must cut his beard.