Friday, November 9, 2018

so, if i didn't want to go to prom with the valedictorian, where was my head in the early summer of 2000?

i didn't work that summer. it was a part of a bribe to get me to go to school, because i wasn't otherwise interested in going. at that point in my life, i would have been perfectly happy to work 30 hours a week at the wendy's and spend most of my time in my basement creating art, so i actually didn't even initially intend to go to the pre-university year at all - i intended to just graduate grade 12 and be done with it. because i had never really had a conversation with this girl, i suppose she had no idea of what my longterm perspective on life really was - but it certainly was not to go to school and get a good job at that particular point, and the fact is that it really never was. but, my dad had decided quite some time before this that i ought to be an engineer (something i at no point in my life ever expressed the slightest interest or inclination towards), so he bribed me into going to grade 13 by giving me spending money on an as-needs basis.

it was over this summer that i picked up the classical guitar for the first time, but i think that would have been after prom. july, i think.

what i was doing that night was probably working out parts for this track, and i was probably very immersed in it, and disinterested in doing much of anything else:

there is also some possibility that i may have spent some time in a friend's basement smoking marijuana with a group of kids in the neighbourhood from low income families, but i don't have any explicit memory of doing so.

like i say - it caught me off guard. she wasn't my type; it didn't really make any sense. and, i never really worked through what she was imagining.

but, yeah. that's true - i turned down the valedictorian for prom, and stayed home and played guitar, instead.