Friday, November 9, 2018

otherwise, i guess i've been in a down swing over the last few days - i didn't really wake up yesterday, or finish the last parts of the august rebuild. the day is now done, so i guess we'll have to put those things off until monday.

it's dry in here, but i doubt that is the reason i've been tired. more likely is that i'm behind on my eating - i just had my scheduled tuesday meal, this morning. but i also have a habit of getting unfocused between projects. otherwise, i'm still a little concerned about the pollution in the neighbourhood, even if the direct issue of second-hand smoke seems to have largely disappeared, for now. or, maybe i can't tell.

the first half of the airwalk order came in yesterday - the red ones. these appear to be decently constructed shoes, but we'll find out over time. they may have been returns, but there's a sticker for $80 on them. again - it said they were new shoes. but, they were marked right down to $30. i don't see anything obviously wrong with them, besides a little bit of dirt on the bottom. so, i guess you mark returned shoes down when they're like this, but it would have been better if the store was honest. we'll see what the second pair looks like. if the second pair is brand brand new, i think i have an argument to replace the red ones, but it might not be actually possible - everybody else was out of stock, and it doesn't seem like they're going to keep doing this.

listen, i get it - the brand name is unpopular. but, i was always the kid with the cheap shoes. i'll wear the unpopular shoes if they're more comfortable, and happily call you stupid for buying into the marketing.

i guess the weekend is now here, so i just need to get to the list of stuff and get to it.

i should get through the bureaucracy first. one thing at a time.